Friday, June 22, 2012
Measuring Cup Organization
Anyone who is a self proclaimed pinterest-aholic will probably tell you that they have all seen the pin that shows the inside of a cabinet door sporting a lovely bar with great eye hooks, cute vinyl measuring labels, and pretty colors. I know I have seen it, and I have pinned it from like 5 different people. I had to have it. I own 4 different sets of measuring cups, and that many different sets of measuring spoons. I can not fit them all in one drawer and still be able to open it. I use them every day, and I can not stand to be drives me the core of my very being. I can't control my toddler, but dang it, I can control the clutter in my kitchen drawers!!!!!
---Or maybe not.
Our cabinets were too thin to screw in the lovely piece of wood that held the hooks. I was so disappointed. Then one night a few days ago, it came to me in bed....3M HOOKS!!!! They don't require a drill, they don't require me wasting the husbands time on something fairly trivial in the grand scheme of things, and since I had a ton from Christmas, they didn't require any money to be spent either. So, yesterday I put on my big girl panties, made my first journey into our attic, and dug through all our Christmas boxes until i found those darn hooks!! Now, I have organized measuring cups, and a drawer where my non-hang-able baking items can reside, unmolested by the other items.
I have another cabinet that has more measuring cups on these hooks, as well as two sets of measuring spoons. This was such an easy, inexpensive, and NON-PERMANENT answer to my problems. The pin on pinterest may look nicer, but for 5 minutes work, this was so worth it. I could even write the capacity of the measuring cup that should hang on each hook if I was truly anal. I guess it can go without for at least a day while a stew over the necessity of that :)
Ooo, that looks nifty and great idea for organizing my poor tiny kitchen! I haven't seen that measuring cup rack yet, but I'll go hunt for it on your pinterest now :)